An elite team of firefighters who battled the blaze in the bush of Arizona was caught in the trap by heat and strong wind being killed , the largest loss of life among firefighters scored in a single event in the U.S. in 80 years .

Teams of firefighters from Prescott , Arizona was killed Sunday when the fire was moving rapidly entrapped . " We had a perfect storm so that something like this would happen . Skills and their training was of a high level and it is unimaginable that something like this has happened, " officials said .

Causes of death are still under investigation . It is suspected that the team , which is open channels between shrubs to prevent further spread of the flames , had not left him a sufficient way of salvation and withdrawal from the area encompassed by the fire . Unpredictable weather combined with unusual odor also caused the death of them .

Firefighters in the U.S. spend considerable preparatory tests and physical . They should run for 1.5 miles in less than 10 minutes and 35 seconds . Authorities have ordered the evacuation of two towns with about one thousand people . Experts think that fires this year could be the largest in decades .

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