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- The Cost of Letting Young People Drift

## The crisis, in a nutshell, is the isolation of millions of young black and Latino men, who are disengaged from school, work and mainstream institutions generally// The task of bridging that gap has been left to the philanthropic community, which understands the crisis and has undertaken various educational initiatives// But the country as a whole seems largely unaware that a large number of young people exist wholly apart from the mainstream, a situation that is enormously damaging to them and to the rest of society//
## The scope of the problem is outlined in a new study of nearly 100 American cities by Measure of America, a policy group at the Social Science Research Council// The study finds that more than 5.5 million people ages 16 to 24 are neither working nor in school, a significantly larger group than before the recession//
## At a time when the economy is requiring workers to have higher levels of skills, one in seven of America-s young adults can-t even get started// And even if they find jobs, they are likely to earn significantly less than their peers, be more dependent on public assistance programs and end up worse off physically and mentally than their more fortunate peers//
## The depth of this disengagement varies by race and place// Nationally, 21.6 percent of black youths are neither working nor in school, compared with 20.3 percent of Native Americans, 16.3 percent of Latinos, 11.3 percent of whites and 7.9 percent of Asians// In nine metropolitan areas, at least one in four black youths are shut out of society this way// In some cases Chicago, for instance whites and Latinos do slightly better than in the country as a whole, but African Americans do much worse, with a rate of 24.5 percent neither working nor in school// In the greater Boston area, white and black youths fare relatively well, while Latinos do worse// In 10 metro areas, at least one in five Latino youths are out of both work and school//
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