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- SHBA, sistemi i mbrojtjes nga raketat në Guam
South Korea has confirmed that North Korea has moved a rocket on its east coast , just hours after Pyongyang said it has given final approval to launch an attack on the United States . Military officials in the United States say that Washington is preparing to deploy sophisticated missile defense in the Pacific in the coming weeks to protect against threats that might come from ballistic missiles to North Korea.
A Pentagon spokeswoman said yesterday that the sophisticated system of missile defense will be deployed in Guam , about three thousand kilometers southeast of the Korean peninsula .
The Pentagon's announcement comes as North Korea , angered by the placement of a new round of sanctions against it , several weeks continues the series of threats against the United States and South Korea .
U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel , said the United States takes seriously the threats of North Korea .
" Some of the actions they have taken in recent weeks constitute a real threat and threatening the interests of our allies , South Korea and Japan . Koreans have directly threatened the United States , our bases in Guam , Hawaii and the west coast of the United States . "
For U.S. officials , the most important thing is to avoid erroneous calculations , where the worst case scenario would be the beginning of a nuclear conflict .
" The error can only be done once and I do not want to be Secretary of Defense makes a mistake like that," Mr. Hagel said .
Setting missile defense system in Guam marks a significant step for the United States , a preventive measure that aims to increase the capabilities of U.S. forces in the region , if North Korea's threats become reality .
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