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- Sleep, 20 risks that threaten you if you do not get enough sleep
In today's culture , loss of sleep is a major problem . In 1942 , people slept an average of 8 hours overnight , now people sleep 6.8 hours , while sleeping ideal time would be 9 hours .
With lack of sleep also come following risks that may adversely affect health too .
1 . Irritation . According to Israeli scientists , complaints , irritation and mood fluctuations are the most common symptoms of a sleepless night .
2 . Headaches . Scientists still do not know exactly why lack of sleep brings headache , but it is a connection that doctors have faced for more than a century . Migraine can be promoted by sleepless nights , where 36 to 58 percent of people who stay up late , waking up with a headache .
3 . Inability to learn . A study in a high school found that one hour more sleep in the morning can improve the results of students with a significant percentage . Another study found that people can do something better if you try some time , but not if you do not have to sleep before you try again .
4 . Adding weight. People who have lack of sleep hours , a time that can come from long stay awake at night , are also healthier . This is because they consume while awake various products , while if they were asleep , they will not get as nutritious .
5 . Poor visibility . Lack of sleep linked to viewing . The longer you stay awake , the more poor eyesight would have. Moreover , lack of sleep can make you see hallucinations .
6 . Heart disease . When researchers experimented and kept some people awake for 88 hours , they were greatly increases blood pressure . Those who slept four hours a day had problems of heart disease , compared with those who slept 8 hours .
7 . Sluggishness . Lack of sleep makes you get more time to react to the actions you need to do . One study found that athletes who had enough sleep , run faster starting line .
8 . Infections . If you deprive yourself of sleep for some time , this translates to an impaired immune system to protect you against microorganisms that can cause infections .
9 . Economic risk taking . If you plan to make some changes in your wallet ? You should ensure that you have enough sleep . A single night of sleep deprivation can lead to the wrong decision .
10 . Overproduction of uric acid . When people are asleep , the body slows down its function normally and produces urine . This is why most people do not need to go to the toilet during sleeping hours . With those who do not sleep , the opposite happens .
11 . Deconcentration . Have trouble with the dedication of attention to a book or a lesson ? Lack of attention has a lot about the lack of sleep . If you 're looking alert , then sleep is the right solution .
12 . Vaccines become less useful . The function of the vaccines if you lack sleep is not he expected . One study found that sleep is considered as the most important factor affecting the success of a vaccine .
13 . Difficulties in speech . Sufficed to 36 hours without sleep research participants to speak slowly , so monotonous and full of cliches . Difficulties expressed are widespread from lack of sleep .
14 . Flu . If you are wondering why you are sick all the time , little sleep may be the answer . In a group of 153 people, those who slept less than seven hours , had three times more likely to be affected by the flu .
15 . Digestive problems . One in 250 Americans suffers from digestive problems due to lack of sleep .
16 . Automobile accidents . The car ride is often compared to sleepy drunk driving , none of them have done . People who need to stay awake during more likely to suffer from road accidents .
17 . Pain . As she and chronic insomnia causes sudden pain , as can happen to awaken people to the middle of the night . But the reverse is also true . People who sleep less are more sensitive to pain .
18 . Problems with memory . Interruption of sleep in the elderly can lead to structural changes in the brain , which may relate to long-term memory and can lead to total oblivion .
19 . Unhappy . In a study led by Nobel prize winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman , a group of 909 people expressed their spiritual condition every day . Besides the change in income , women who slept less were more unhappy than those who slept more .
20 . Death . Many health problems associated with lack of sleep , but the greatest of these is the fact that people do not always sleep 7-8 hours of sleep , are more likely to die over a period of time . Lack of sleep can accelerate death .
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