If you wont be small steps , can prolong life for ten years . Waltz is * ideal * aid in recovery after heart attack and heart function returns to normal , scientists say . The testuarit who danced the waltz twice a week during the two months was significantly improved heart work than those who have applied other methods of rehabilitation such as driving or riding bicycle . People who do not live 72.9 laugh , they laugh easily to 75 , while those who are constantly blissful 80 years .
If you are struggling with excess pounds off , the first battle against obesity will earn if you start to eat more slowly . Every mouthful 40 times the munchies . With slower chewing food * will * retrieve smaller amount of calories and hunger hormone levels in the digestive system will be lower . Research has also shown that the testuarit who have chewed each mouthful 40 times ate 12 times less well than those that only chew food 15 times . Therefore chewing longer is an excellent prevention of overeating , because the brain gives plenty of time to get the signal that the stomach is full . In the following we will present some things that will help you :
Water and apples : If you drink seven glasses of water a day will reduce pain and will remove the boring head pain and migraine , and if the menu also include two apples a day , will reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and will reduce the risk of heart disease , say scientists .
Walk : The risk of breast cancer is lower half of the women who walk an hour a day once a week and run or swim . Fatty tissue produces more hormones , and even higher levels of hormones such as estrogen or insulin increase the risk of cancer .
Take a deep breath : With deep breathing and without medication can significantly reduce elevated blood pressure . People who meditate regularly have lower blood pressure , because their blood vessels are consistently more open , less tension , and this tension in the walls of blood vessels .
Ignore e-mail : Checking frequent e-mail is harmful to health , because it causes constant stress . Researchers advise , * ignore the messages and reduce your stress and keep heart health * . If you can , arrange half an hour a day on which time you check e-mail .

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