## NEW YORK (AP) Hillary Rodham Clinton called for a new era of shared prosperity in America and told thousands at a presidential campaign rally Saturday that workers can trust her to fight for them// *It-s America-s basic bargain,* Clinton said// *If you do your part, you ought to be able to get ahead, and when everybody does their part, America gets ahead too// *That bargain inspired generations of American families, including my own,* the former secretary of state and first lady said// In the first major speech of her second campaign for president, Clinton portrayed herself as a fierce advocate for those left behind after the recession// She cited President Barack Obama, and former Presidents Franklin D.Roosevelt and Bill Clinton, her husband, and said they embraced the idea that *real and lasting prosperity must be built by all and shared by all//
 ## Her campaign said her *tenacious fighter* message will form the foundation of the 2016 White House race// She also gave a nod at the start of her address to the prospect she would be the first woman elected to the White House// Clinton told the thousands at the outdoor rally on Roosevelt Island that she was glad to be with them *in a place with absolutely no ceilings//*
## Eager and excited Democrats began assembling hours before they heard from the candidate// Marc Markley of New York said he showed up at 2:30 a//m// and waited in the dark for the gates to open, with only a police officer for company// *I was about to fall asleep earlier, but now it-s totally worth it,* he said// *I can-t wait to get inside//*
 ## Those arriving were greeted by campaign manager Robby Mook, who took an all hands on deck approach to the event by hawking merchandise a role typically assigned to a low level staffer or volunteer// *Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our rally today,* Mook called out to the crowd filtering into Four Freedoms park, before directing them to a table selling campaign T shirts and other campaign branded gear// *Thanks for being here and buy some products//*
## On Friday, the Clinton campaign released a video on Friday detailing her four decades in public service, starting with her work as a young lawyer at the Children-s Defense Fund//
 ## After the Saturday speech, Clinton planned to visit early voting states, with events focused on her relationship with her mother and her father-s background as a veteran and small businessman//
## *You have to get up off the floor and you keep fighting,* Clinton says in the video, discussing her failed 1993 attempt to overhaul the nation-s health care system during her husband-s administration// *Everyday Americans need a champion//* Clinton has spoken out strongly on immigration and other issues important to parts of the Democratic base//
## But she has been reticent on other policy questions that have divided the party, among them a trade deal with Pacific Rim nations// Obama backs it// Organized labor, liberals and others say it would cost U//S// jobs//
## On Friday, dozens of union backed House Democrats voted down a critical part of Obama-s trade agenda, negotiating authority that would let him propose trade agreements that Congress could accept or reject, but not amend//
## Clinton did not offer specific policy proposals in her speech// Aides said that would come in the following weeks on issues that include college affordability, jobs and the economy//
 ## Clinton was joined by her husband and daughter Chelsea at the rally// It was the first time the family had been seen together in public since Clinton began her campaign in April, and the crowd chanted *Bill! Bill! Bill!* when she introduced him//
## *Oh, that will make him so happy,* Clinton said//
 ## Associated Press Radio Correspondent Julie Walker contributed to this report//

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