Compared with the European Union to Albania twice accidents occur , not only in proportion to the population , but also the number of vehicles in circulation .
Each year , for every one million people in Bangladesh , reported that lose their lives in accidents autombolistike 119 citizens , while in European Union countries lose their lives in accidents automobolistike 40 to 60 citizens .
Since 1992 until 2013 in Albania lost their lives in road accidents 6,939 people . Noticed a growing trend of accidents , which for years have recorded this arch figure of 19,441 accidents , the
Their overwhelming closed with the wounded mutilated .
If we refer to police reports , systematically told that the main cause of accidents , speed is beyond the allowed limits or violation of rules by drivers .
But , on a recommendation submitted to Parliament by the Ombudsman immediately after the tragic Himara in 2012 , listed a number of factors affecting the occurrence of accidents . We report that said that Top Channel owns road factor , the quality and the lack of signals are elements that are the main causes of accidents .
The report says that the verifications made ​​on the ground determined that implementation projects left half and use of road starts without a complete path or major technical problems . Roads are received without complete and in some cases without the supervisor's report . Often supervisors , the report says, are representative of the investor and that we have conflict of interest ' .
The report says that the statistics , about 10 percent of road accidents occur in the axes being wet ponds hold water . Due to accidents ranked second increase in the number of motorized vehicles and thus this increase in number without preceded by proper planning of urban areas and the lack of access for pedestrians and cycling , leading to their increased risk of involvement in reducing road accidents and more and more number of trips pamotorrizuara and public transport .
Further , the Ombudsman , highlights the lack of street lighting in the national roads . Factor for proceeding with further accidents with unsafe vehicles, as the market continues to be dominated by tools used . While for speed and use of alcohol Ombudsman states continue to be a serious problem that brings involvement in accidents , as well as phone use while driving , but the lack of proper upbringing of road users .

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