" What time is it ? " To answer this question throughout human history , individuals have had to see the sun , the water , and finally the pendulum handset
The time is one of the oldest inventions of mankind , because of the continuing need for measuring time intervals as day , lunar month and year . The evolution of technology continues today hours , while the science of measuring time is called horologji .
Some types of classes

The time of water

In ancient times , the best device for measuring time was klepsidra or water clock , which measured the time from regular water leaking into a ravine . As water collected down and increase its mass , a score indicative hours . Best times were highly processed water , but few in number and weak . They can not show more than 60 minutes .
solar time

When the sun shines and changes its position in the sky during the day , it reflects the rotation of the Earth . The shadow of an object moving in the same steady pace and was used in ancient times to measure time . Solar hours were used up in the Middle Ages , but have the drawback that does not tell time at night .
astronomical clock

This show hours including time of day movements of all known planets , a holiday calendar , and an eclipse predictor .
mechanical clock

In the Middle Ages mechanical clock was invented in Europe . Good regulation gear and toothed wheel was created in such a way that the weight shift from the force of gravity affected . Medieval mechanical clocks were less subtle than hours and require less water and maintenance. They spread in churches and monasteries and were used to show that the bells should fall to announce regular prayers or attending church . The word itself comes from the word Frenchcloche hours which means bell . Marking the first mechanical clocks one hour and sounded every çerekore . However , the best hours had an opportunity inaccuracy 30 minutes a day . No clock can not measure short time intervals with precision or to tell the time by minutes , until the year 1656 . In order that other fields of science such as physics and chemistry to prosper , as in antiquity and in the Middle Ages was required accuracy of the clock .
Spring time

It emerged during the hours the 15th century , despite its merits for creating watchmakers often given to Nuremberg , Peter Henlein , circa 1511. Spring time watchmakers put forward a new problem : how do you continue to move the clock even when the spring had fallen. This led to the invention of fuzës , a cone-shaped device around which orbited the spring . Early hours of not showing the minutes and seconds . In a manuscript of the year 1475 hrs appearing where projects accounted minutes . During the 15th century in Germany was invented several hours to minutes , but inaccurate .
Clock with pendulum

The invention of the pendulum clock began with Galileo , who had some idea about the repeated movement of a rolling object . However , Christian Hugens ( Christiaan Huygens ) regarded as the inventor of the hour . He eventually determined the mathematical formula that linked the length of the pendulum with time , it was 99.38 cm per second . The first model of the pendulum clock was built in 1657 in The Hague over the years and improved model .
Electrical time

Alexander Bain , a Scottish watchmaker got the patent for the electric clock in 1840 . Electrical time had an electric motor or an electro - magnet . A year later , he received the first patent for electromagnetic pendulum . Such clocks began to be used everywhere , in schools , factories, offices , train stations and government buildings .
digital clock

Modern digital clocks are clocks that make a digital display of the time . These use two digits for story hour and minutes , can be 24 or 12 hour format . Most classes use digital electronic mechanism and function normally with battery .
atomic time

An atomic clock uses an electronic frequency part of the microwave , optical and ultraviolet electromagnetic spectrum of atoms as a frequency standard for measuring time . Atomic clocks are the most accurate clocks that can be found anywhere and used for television broadcasts as well as for global satellite navigation systems .
Time with words

There are clocks that display instead of the appearance of numbers , write the time of day . These kind of hours can be installed on the computer .
As work hours ?
The invention of mechanical watches in the 13th century prompted a change in methods of measuring time from solar time , to that of water , the pendulum and the quartz crystal to classes that had more power to be accurate . Regardless of the methods vary , all modern mechanical clocks , atomic digital and working with related parts. They consist of an object that repeats the same motion repeatedly , an oscillator , with a repeater that creates beating interval . Oscilatorin is adjacent to a control device , which maintains oscilatorit movement by regenerating energy that he lost in friction and replaces oscilatorit ongoing work on pulses . Later pulses are counted by a counter type and quantity of counts converted into units , usually seconds , minutes and hours . In the end a kind of mechanism appears result understandable for people .

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