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- Errors beauty treatments
Often hair tie as " horse tail " , constantly touch your face , wash your hair every day . These are just some of the mistakes that every day is unconsciously make your skin , hair and facial skin , which in the long run , can affect the hair damage and weakening of your face . You find out which mistakes or bad habits are not aware that you destroy the efforts that are investing in day care and beauty .
Go to bed with makeup
Going to bed with makeup , let grease , oils and dead skin cells that accumulate overnight . Due to makeup for the eyes , conjunctiva and disease risk being pinkeye . Therefore , rather than spend an hour in the morning trying to fix the consequences of your makeup before bedtime always do thorough cleaning of the skin .
Not clean your brushes to shade the eyes and the Reds pages
The fact is that if you do not clean your brushes regularly , they become a breeding ground for bacteria and dirt deposits . Their transfer to the skin , is the worst thing you can do for your face while applying makeup . Dirty brushes can cause irritation and acne on the face . Brushes should be cleaned at least once a week with hot water and anti - bacterial gel .
Constantly touching face
Unconsciously touch all day long and your face more often . But keep in mind that your hands are not clean and impurities along with bacteria transfer the delicate facial skin . If you do not wash your hands every few minutes , do not touch your face .
Treatment of excess
Are you part of a group of women who wash their hair every day or make peeling the face and body ? If the answer is positive , we can conclude that make excessive treatment . Hair should be cleaned a maximum of two to three times a week . It is ironic but as much as to wash your hair , the more it will become greasy . The same applies to the skin .
Tion often change ingredients and do not verify term sustainability
Do you remember the last time you purchased the miscreant or lipstick ? How old is the preferred powder puff that currently use ? The old makeup can cause allergic reactions , skin irritation , acne on the face and infections . Here is a short guide that will tell you how often you need to change certain products.
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