Fred Guarin has become a controversial post on the social network Twitter , already one of the tools that connect more fans with players than anyone . Colombian has gone so far has shown that it was the leaders who demanded his ouster , while he has not ever asked such a thing . At the end of his post he stated that thanks the fans and if it will stay the best in the Inter.

" Inter Society , are you that you decided to sell, while I S'i I ask anyone to leave because of Inter was calm and happy . Now seek clarity and respect , with me , with Inter fans and my agent . For fans only question I have gratitude for showing appreciation for me and have supported me . If we leave Inter will I have at heart , because the Inter fulfilled a dream . And if I stay , I will use all my strength and my responsibility , whole heart for the good of the team " - writes guarin on the last day of the summer transfer window .

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