" New Dance " ( dances ) in this case is a composition of American muzikantes Shelley Hansen , who teaches the students are talented Austin High School in Minnesota .

The school ensemble will then play it on February 13 in Minneapolis , during the annual meeting of the Association of Teachers of Music in Minnesota .

Ensemble is an orchestra and choir , and who made his school , which represents to be one of the few that has been selected to perform in this meeting .

How does knowing the local newspaper " The Daily Austin " musical troops will play " Albanian Dance " has long been prepared kompozitoren Hansen . Musical piece known for fast pace that is the biggest challenge for the school talent . Shelley Hansen leads the ensemble of Macalester College , but the school works with students to help them refine their musical education . During evidence sessions she explains music theory . Not explained in the article that the American newspaper went on music composer who chose her for the Albanian . If this is not the first time that a school ensemble plays this part with Albanian reasons .

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