Smokers believe that cigarettes emit through their stress , in fact do the opposite .
At least this is the conclusion published in the British Medical Journal * , * after a 26 -year research work in universities of Birmingham , Oxford and King 's College * London * .
Based on statistics compiled from thousands of tests , the experts found that quitting smoking can be just as effective in combating depression and anxiety as well as antidepressants . Among former smokers , teams of experts were able to identify a decline in the level of stress .
* Quality of life improved by rescue psychological addiction and mood and quality of life show an immediate ex - smokers * , read the conclusions of this analysis .
Participants in this study had an average age of 44 years and consumed 20 cigarettes a day . They were analyzed in detail for six months of their lives , while the realization of the study , several hundreds of participants in the cigarette agreed to leave for the sake of this study .

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