Atlantic ocean waters maintain good mystery called Atlantis . Bermuda Triangle , four floods , Atlante giants are puzzles to be solved gradually start . The answers are there, to the remnants of the civilization .
Did you know that Atlantis Atlantic Ocean and territories covered America and Europe ? 800,000 years ago , some parts of it were flooded and remained only ten major islands that constitute a maritime federation . 200,000 years ago , the second flood , other territories were flooded to Atlantis , and so were only two major islands , Ruta ( hemisferi North ) and Dainda ( Southern hemisferi ) or otherwise Tuli and Tolani , or Balani and Avalon korrespondisht . 80,000 years ago , the third flood , rescued a large island that the Greeks called '' Poseidon '' and 12,000 years ago (more or less ) that sank the last part of Atlantis , taking with him in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean all the secrets of Atlantis .
Did you know that these floods are not a fantasy story but by the chronological overlap with the end of four European glaciers , that after the gradual flooding of the continent , the warm currents of the Gulf of Mexico found its way to the North coast of Europe , began to warm and to melt the ice that covered ? Well look , while Atlant dying civilization , wake European territories that will host the next civilizations . So it is always , always comes life after death .
Did you know that Atlanta had a length of from 2.5 to 6 meters ? This is proved by the many discoveries giant skeletons found in Mexico monk Fernando Diaz de Castillo , in the Peloponnese Arkadinë as does Herodotus , in California in 1833 , in Santa Maria on the coast of Los Angeles , in the mountains near the Nevada Valley String and in other countries , and many of these skeletons are 12,000 years ago, namely the recent flood of Atlantis .
Did you know that in Atlantis worshiped a bull ? The king of Atlantis had to face alone , a bull every 10 years and that the outcome of this duel tell if his kingdom was right or not . That it later became Holy sport in which the jumps were performed on the bull . Bullfighting in Spain , Crete bulls , bull worship in Egypt , are remnants of the ancient worship of Atlanta , and since these districts were legendary continent official colony . A puzzle covers the frozen Siberian mammoths that were frozen and died suddenly , having grass in their mouth and blood in the pores of their skin , a fact that indicates that suddenly died from drowning in the aftermath of water or smoke .
Mystery covers and eel bizarre journey , starting from the rivers of Europe to reach the Sargasso Sea , and after having their eggs there, returned. Instinctively follow a course of an ancient river , swim in sea water , and turn in the bed of a river that no longer exists .
Mystery covers and '' suicide '' collective rats that jump into the sea from the coast of Western Europe , and swim towards the island that was much needed miles away . Apparently , the island is sinking and millions mice desert , tired of swimming drown .
Puzzle covers collective migration of birds , which fly from Europe to the Atlantic Ocean . The radar track in the Sargasso Sea , making districts and trying to sit but disillusioned and tired continue their journey to America .
Puzzle covers crystallized lava that were found in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean . A proof that there once existed an island or a continent that sank after only crystallizes when lava comes in contact with atmospheric air .
Do you ever think that myths are the identity of a people , the way in which people conceive this truth , his fate and the world ? Do you ever wondered why all ancient civilizations for a përmytje myths exist worldwide ? Do you ever wondered about what could these flooding of Atlantis ?
Did you know that in a mysterious way Noah , Defkalionin and Pira , Cox Cox , Unapistimi , Karani , Manu , Nama and his wife , symbolizing all the same character , the purified man , chosen by God , who has a name different in every civilization but that always creates an ark of survival , in order for life to continue after a disaster is usually a result of human selfishness ?
Did you know that in a day and a night in Atlantis was a land axis motion or a change of its slope and that this provoked a flood of third mysterious continent .
Atlantis is a mystery to seduce , and like all mysteries . Proof of unending talk to us , in the depths of the sea and time. Its existence and its destruction is a challenge for us , a challenge that is trying to teach us something . Something on development and human selfishness that tends to defile and destroy everything it touches . Selfishness that allegedly destroyed the civilization of Atlantis .
Atlantis is an interest of today , because today we are horribly selfish . For today destroy the planet that hosts us , by influencing his fragile equilibrium .
A mystery always hides a knowledge that we need to discover . The same thing happens with the civilization of Atlantis .

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