At first glance, men are strong and confident in themselves , but they really are full of anxiety , because of which often do not act as they want , and often wrong . Discover how you can better understand your partner .- Fear of feelings : Men know that love is a strong feeling that can occupy their lives . You know that woman who will get your heart will let them get the most of their time .I also know that with the love connections they also open doors to various sufferings . Many fear from such feelings , because they do not feel ready . Boys are afraid to be lovers , especially deterred by the thought that they might lose after a female head , although this will never admit , not even himself . This fear also arises from their incomprehensible behavior : coldness , indifferent and takes , etc. inability softness .- Tips : Be honest and to use his sense of humor . Create a relaxing atmosphere in the midst of you . And soon he will build confidence in you and finally be issued connectivity .- Fear of your friends : Terribly afraid of your friends' comments . This anxiety is to first ! I thought that terrifies someone and it analyzes the heel to head : Your best friend , your sister . This is a test that is not easy to pass , because your friends , as well as his friends , sometimes xhelozojnë . Men know this .- Tips : Tell your friends all the time talking about how he is very delightful and entertaining . This will relieve a bit and return confidence .- Fear of rejection : The more you are in love, the more difficult they make the next steps . This strange feature arises from the fear of the partner's reactions . They do not want to hear : 'No thank you , you're not interesting .'- Tips : Only with sincerity . Have no choice . Do you know that you like and that you were willingly with respect . It is the only solution .- Fear of opinions of friends : Men are afraid of the opinions of their friends because they want to maintain their good image in society . Those decisions their importance bring under the influence of others . This finds expression especially when it comes to love relationships . Sometimes society men are jealous at each other : because of addiction and the fear of losing friends , because of ' a woman ' .- Tips : Try to socialize with his friends . Let's create the best assurance for you . If his friends would admit he would feel better .- Fear of changing his personality : Many men think that the beginning of a love relationship would deprive them of their identity . This is a fear complex , which is created by their conviction that women boyfriend wants to transform into being with no personality . Connection to the source of orders and prohibitions .- Tips : Let's feel that is just what is acceptable and not to say that like partners who annoy each other with such requests .- Fear of abandonment : This fear is similar to the fear of suffering . Among men is very famous fear of unpleasant feelings of loneliness after the completion of the connection of love . Against this fear is often used as mechanisms " if I am alone, no one can leave me with this hurt me ." Therefore , think , that it is better not to risk and feelings that need to be controlled . And all of these are wrong . Men who think so are very sensitive and weak , can not cope with loneliness , let alone to defeat it . They have no faith in themselves , are more pessimistic and think that they are ready to face any situation .- Tips : Warmth , friendship and power : all these somewhat gotta bear it. Must show that it is perfect , because he and his closeness to meet .

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