It does not matter if you're shy or type of resourceful boy who gathers many women , following advice will make you look unlike other gender .1 . Act like adults : Take your responsibilities and start to think seriously about a connection. To behave like an adult , practically means do not do things that 13 - year-olds , from delaying responses to excessive selfishness .2 . Make a decision : If you're undecided and you want to enjoy all the little , this is not what women want . Determination is women like security and safety .3 . Think good things and be a plan : Leaving yourself to get the wind and lead to unintended locations , looks like something adventurous , but women are not looking for this . Make plans to mirëndërtuara , if you're looking to leave the impression of a female really .4 . Create an opinion about things : people who have their opinions on certain topics , are usually formed intellectually . Moreover, the importance Pay opinions of others .5 . Be transparent : The best way to make him a female , being convinced that you are a man and not a boy , is you open relationship with him and with others .6 . Support her career as if your life : career is an important part of the life of anyone who is seeking independence . Be proud of your career and so women will join her important things .7 . During the sexual act to concentrate more sense than simply rebuild latest porn video that you see . Make things with feeling and slowly .8 . Purchuase flowers . If you want to tregoheni a true gentleman in the eyes of a woman who 's liking , then purchuase flowers , but not only on days when there is a birthday , anniversary or when you when you have severed ties . Try to write a letter .9 . Keep eye contact . This will make it feel like to have drunk two glasses full of wine , because eye contact is very important in giving attention .10 . Invite to come . Ask if there is any place where I wanted to go or what has made ​​plans for that night . If it's free , take advantage of this opportunity to donate to a fantastic evening .11 . When I ask how the day went , listen attentively things that will tell you , do not type that simply asks and pays no response .12 . Do you remember what people think about it. It's a bad behavior , you are to create your own opinion or to judge what other people think ?13 . Invite to jump . Girls love the dancing is romantic and brings in good spirits . If you want to earn some extra points , Invite to jump when you are home alone .14 . Face Problems with your head up . Do not give to everyday problems , conveying negative feelings in people who surround you , be brave .15 . Stay calm when you want to cry . Become a true gentleman and refrain before the other sex , women love it .16 . Treat them as you would like in somebody daughter . Would you like someone to be interested only in the body of your daughter ? No ? Then try Be fair to attitudes toward women .17 . Do not be jealous, do nothing . You like someone to care about your close friends , the cares if evening out with friends is like a bachelor party ? Well women do not want to be your guardians , they need security.18 . Trust . If you want to be a true gentleman in behavior with women , then give them your confidence . Do not be suspicious of nonsense and do not underestimate .19 . Stop relationship with clarity , respect and dignity . No one likes to play the game " I need time ." If you see that it can not move about , just show yourselves man and give arguments .20 . Keep your word to give . If you say you will call at a certain hour , telefonojeni , if you said you would meet in any place , be there and if you promise something , do it.21 . Choose when and how to ask for forgiveness. Do not feel bad about the fact that she is getting affected or hurt , but Feel sorry that you were you brought in that state .22 . Use words wisely . Do not communicate much , but talk instead . Explain misunderstandings and use words that express the feeling when you feel really alone .23 . If a girl excited , do not try to remove it , saying that the mind has the menstruation , will you promise to fix things, to say that we should not feel that way or t ' the oppose making me feel bad .24 . Give respect . Even when you are angry , even if you are giving off the relationship , even if you are separated and if many things are pressuring you , do not ever lose respect for a woman .25 . Distinguish opinion from fact . If you want , fight for it , not with it. Let aside the evil thoughts that you might be tortured and check the facts .

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